Saturday, November 26, 2005

Breaking the 40k barrier

Woohoo! I'm over the 40k mark. 5 days left. Less than 2000 words needed per day. This is totally within reach. I'm looking forward to getting one of those purple 'winner' bars on the Nanowrimo site.

And yes, I have written myself into the novel. Which is very bizarre. Especially as I'm writing from Kat's perspective about me. I'll only appear in two scenes - the first of which has been written.

Word count is rough as the last scene is not yet transcribed and I will probably not be touching the computer again until tomorrow evening as I have my writers group meeting to attend. But my notebook will be with me. I'll keep writing, just in a different environment.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
40,312 / 50,000

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