Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bilby Creek gets a happy ending

Huge sigh of relief.

Luke Radcliffe and Chloe Watkins are finally together.

Yes, I've reached the happy ever after. This just needs a short epilogue and the first draft is DONE.

And then it's time to attack NANOWRIMO.

Making the Cut wordcount....

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
108,842 / 110,000

Nano wordcount
Zokutou word meter
0 / 50,000


Melly said...

Wow, you're almost done. How exciting!

Good luck with NaNo :)

bwheather said...

Argh! I'm suffering terrible NaNo envy. This is the fourth, or more, blog with posts about NaNo. Hope you do well with it. ;-)