Wednesday, December 14, 2005


12 hours of the day job today. It was dark when I finished so it kind of defeats the purpose of referring to it as the day job. But at least I've got the day off tomorrow. During which, I do the unpaid job of my father's accounts. Maybe I need to find myself a rich arts patron.

The other day while browsing through the bookshop, I found Working Class Zero by Rob Payne. I'd been looking for it for a while, and it had been discounted. So when I caught up with my partner I said, 'Have you got a spare $5 to buy me a Christmas present?'

So he gives me $5, and tells me to go and get the book.

I said, 'Don't you want to go get it for me?'

'No,' he says, 'I want it to be a surprise.'

Okay then. I'll probably have to wrap it too. Can't have him knowing what he's bought me.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
55,860 / 75,000


Gel said...

ROFL- priceless and so familiar

Danielle said...

Hi there,

I came across your blog on BE (and voted for you in BotB!) and had to stop by and say how much I like your blog.

I'm working on a book too, and it's nice to see someone else with the same ambition! I'm going to add you to my blogroll, if that's okay?