I really needed a laugh today. 9 hour day at work, and I think I did more talking than the customers, so at the end of it, I thought I'd lose my voice. And the 9 hours crawled...seemed more like 18 hours. So tonight, I decided to visit Miss Snark, and found her post on queries. Oh boy, I laughed! And for more amusement, I might pull out my manuscripts and read pages 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and 89. In that order. We had a collage poetry workshop on Saturday at my writers' group meeting. I didn't feel very inspired. I don't think I can do the group thing now when it comes to creating collage poems. I like to let the words and phrases sit together, and form interesting combinations - and for me, that has become a solitude activity, and one that my subconscious continues to work on while my thoughts are preoccupied with reality. Our homework for the meeting was to write a 50 word story. I wrote a story about reality TV on Sunday, and the first draft was 86 words. I had to cut more than a third of the story. ON Monday, I took it with me to work and slashed and rewrote, and slashed some more, until eventually I have a 50 word story. I may try some more between now and the next meeting - it is certainly good editing practice. |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A hit - a palpable hit!
Sorry, bit of Shakespeare coming out. Must be the R&J post I just posted on Chickollage. Anyway, what did I hit? My manuscript. Today, during my lunch break, I plunged right in from the beginning and made a start on the edit, the revision, the rewrite, the second draft - whatever you want to call it. And I wrote more words. And crossed out many. And I got deeper into the scene, into the description, the setting, into Chloe's head. And I felt that I had accomplished something. I'm going to forget about the overall story edit at the moment, and just do some layering, scene by scene, chapter by chapter. The big structural stuff can come later when I have larger blocks of time to dedicate to it. |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Bitch Club
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This is the collage poem I completed on the public holiday on Monday. I've known some 'crazy bitches in my time - this is dedicated to them. I quite like this one - black, dark and true.
My partner finishes his TAFE course this week. Sigh of relief. He's not a writer and doesn't profess to be so each written assignment has been a source of renewed frustration. Much better at the practical stuff - the camera work, the filming. I'll be glad when it's over as well because my editing skills won't be called upon so much.
I'm back at work again although a bit in limbo - may have to go back to the permanent position on Monday. Haven't been given the word as yet. Although my permanent team leader was preparing to put my stuff in storage today because he thought I'd be in the temp position a bit longer. I suppose I'll find out tomorrow. Don't particularly like limbo land.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Holiday is over
Well, I was right about the lack of holiday time to myself. I spent most of the week helping my partner with his DVD project on the Glenreagh Mountain Railway. Launch night was Saturday night, and just our luck, it poured all day Saturday. We haven't rain since we moved into this house. In f![]() Somehow the rain eased up, over a hundred people turned up to the launch, and enjoyed the film. The rain was light so Betty the steam train, was still able to do complete the planned outing. Sunday morning, we woke up to blue sky and it has been that way since. Murphy's Law! So now it's Monday of the long weekend, the last day of my 'holiday' - so I'm putting together some more collage poems, updating my blogs, and will tackle some of my editing. Then I'll have to work out an 'after work' structure to fulfill my writing goals and not spend all of my time on the net. |